Wtf now we can create an account and setup automatic recurring donations?
Anders Andersen
JoinedPosts by Anders Andersen
May 16, 2016 TO ALL CONGREGATIONS IN BRITAIN Re: Donations to the Worldwide Work Using
by wifibandit inmay 16, 2016 to all congregations in britain re: donations to the worldwide work using
adding it to the list.... may 2015 broadcast.
jehovah will care for our needs.
Demon possesion, bunch of crap or?
by raven ini've been using the forum to vent and post a lot more frequently lately as a venting purpose & way to obtain peace of mind with the craziness i've been going through recently as i fade away form the org.
anyways today i'm sitting here at work and thinking to myself about demons... ok i know this sounds crazy but has anyone else out there been traumatized by the thought of demons?
i had a dream the other night, just flat out spooky and i woke and couldn't help but feeling it may have been evil ole' satan and his demons at it again.. i don't want to believe that, (trying not to, & just brushing it under the rug so to speak) but have any of you out there been talked up about demons?
Anders Andersen
Inanimate objects are safe.
Just don't keep snakes or donkeys as pets. Or pigs. Or bearded people. Or blind people. Cripple. Epileptic. Mute. Deaf. They're all possessed. Or at least they could be. Better safe than sorry...
Dutch TV crew kicked out of Circuit Assembly
by Anders Andersen inin the netherlands, a tv crew for powned (a website/tv station known for their non-conventional approach and love for controversy) visited a circuit assembly.
the video starts with them asking 'is everyone welcome here, even criminals, bikers, gays?
', and the answer is of course yes.. then the clip focuses on asking dubs questions about gays and the caleb video.. in the end the crew is asked to stop filming and leave.
Anders Andersen
Yeah, they weren't exactly challenging. Probably because they had some instructions from the press info desk, and because they are accompanied by a press desk brother at all time.
And even without the not-so-challenging question they were disturbing enough.Ah well...I never like it either when a TV crew roamed the convention. What the h would I say to them? It's hard to defend the undefendable...
Dutch TV crew kicked out of Circuit Assembly
by Anders Andersen inin the netherlands, a tv crew for powned (a website/tv station known for their non-conventional approach and love for controversy) visited a circuit assembly.
the video starts with them asking 'is everyone welcome here, even criminals, bikers, gays?
', and the answer is of course yes.. then the clip focuses on asking dubs questions about gays and the caleb video.. in the end the crew is asked to stop filming and leave.
Anders Andersen
Transcript/translation of the video:
Jehovas react to anti-gay video
P = Presenter
Br = Brother
Sr = Sister
P: Today a large JW convention is taking place in Assen, and everyone is welcome there.Music:Jesus saves, Jesus saves, all people pay attention!Jesus saves, Jesus saves, just by prayer..
Br = Bethel heavy, most likely press information desk.
P: So everyone is welcome here?
Br: Yeah, no problem.
P: And that also includes Muslims, criminals, people from a motorcycle club...they are all allowed to take a look here?
Br: In theory everyone is cordially invited.
P: What about gays?Br: We have sympathy for all kinds of people, including gays. What we do have problems with are the acts that some people do.
Br: Of course we've been in the news with our latest video, there was quite some fuss about it...
P: That wasn't really a nice video, wasn't it?
[video snippet]
Sr: That isn't what God intended.
Br: Because you want to give yourself to God, you can restrain yourself.
[video snippet]
Br: It seems to be a possibility that someone can do everything within his power to overcome these feelings.
P: Homosexuality is not really how it should be?
Br: Eh...sexuality, man with man, no. That's what I get from the Bible...
P: And woman with woman?
Br: That's the no.
Br: So practicing as gay...that's not allowed.
P: It isn't? What do you mean with practicing?
Br: penetrate say it very rude.
P: That's not allowed?
Br: No. There are a number of people who have been born with that deviation. But it doesn't mean that you have to practice it.
Br1 = Head of security
Br2 = Some heavy
Br1: I'd rather have you stop filming now...And we stop.
P: Why?!
Br2: [in the background] We'd like to keep the peace.
P: We're disturbing the peacel?
Br2: Yes. [..] Hereby your silent [implied] invitiation has been withdrawn, so from this moment you are uninvited.[...] Here is your coat. [...] Thank you for your interest in us. -
Demon possesion, bunch of crap or?
by raven ini've been using the forum to vent and post a lot more frequently lately as a venting purpose & way to obtain peace of mind with the craziness i've been going through recently as i fade away form the org.
anyways today i'm sitting here at work and thinking to myself about demons... ok i know this sounds crazy but has anyone else out there been traumatized by the thought of demons?
i had a dream the other night, just flat out spooky and i woke and couldn't help but feeling it may have been evil ole' satan and his demons at it again.. i don't want to believe that, (trying not to, & just brushing it under the rug so to speak) but have any of you out there been talked up about demons?
Anders Andersen
Yeah I used to believe that nonsense too. But really, there ain't such beings.
Any effort to prove demons exist under (at least somewhat) controlled circumstances were unsuccessful. So we're left with hearsay, sensational fables, scared people who don't think straight, institutional fearmongering, etc.
Apart from that: if Biblical demons do exist, and our protection is gone when we leave Jehovah or please show me from the Bible examples of demon-induced dreams, demon-possessed objects, demons creating shadows, etc. No such thing in there. You're either possessed or not. You're either talking to one or not. That's it.
Don't be scared. There is no such a thing.
@Happydad, look up lucid dreaming. Much fun :-)
Canada Legislature passes new bill for the protection of Transgenders. Will this mean the end of shunning policy
by Quarterback insince shunning is looked upon as a form of hatred crime.
i wonder if these changes may alter the shunning practices in the wt world
Anders Andersen
No. (Haven't read the article)
If really needed they'll change the wording on shunning policy to say it's a matter of conscience to avoid bad association. And then they'll counsel everybody until their conscience is aligned with the corporate shunning policy.
Just like in Bulgaria they promised the government that dubs would have freedom of choice in all medical procedures, including blood transfusions, without DFing or judicial action. And since then the policy is that everybody who accepts blood DAed themselves, unless 2 elders (not a JW!) deem the offender repentant.
They will find a way to make sure they continue to spread ignorance, hate, prejudice and bigotry without their official policies saying as much black on white
Mexico ends use of House-to-House Record & Please Follow Up
by wifibandit inin a letter to all congregations dated april 27, 2016 the central american branch (mexico) has ended the use of s-8-s and s-43-s.
Anders Andersen
Yeah those forms were abandoned sometime in 2000's in the Netherlands as well. Privacy protection laws indeed.
Not that those laws seem to apply to data on active dubs, DA and DF; your very personal records will be stored for years both local and at the branch.
Dutch TV crew kicked out of Circuit Assembly
by Anders Andersen inin the netherlands, a tv crew for powned (a website/tv station known for their non-conventional approach and love for controversy) visited a circuit assembly.
the video starts with them asking 'is everyone welcome here, even criminals, bikers, gays?
', and the answer is of course yes.. then the clip focuses on asking dubs questions about gays and the caleb video.. in the end the crew is asked to stop filming and leave.
Anders Andersen
In the Netherlands, a TV crew for PowNed (a website/TV station known for their non-conventional approach and love for controversy) visited a Circuit Assembly
The video starts with them asking 'Is everyone welcome here, even criminals, bikers, gays?', and the answer is of course yes.
Then the clip focuses on asking dubs questions about gays and the Caleb video.
In the end the crew is asked to stop filming and leave. Their 'implied invitation' has been withdrawn as they were 'creating unrest'.
Possibly they actually were stirring things up a bit and left that out in editing; I wouldn't put that past them.
Video in Dutch here (maybe I'll add a verbatim transcript, but don't hold your breath on it)
May 15, 2016 Re: Answers to 10 Questions Young People Ask
by wifibandit inmay 15, 2016 to all congregations re: answers to 10 questions young people ask.
publication in question: answers to 10 questions young people ask ypq-e.
Anders Andersen
Page 16:
Besides physical assaults, bullying can also include:
Verbal attacks. “I’ll never forget the names they called me or the things they said. They made me feel worthless, unwanted, and good-for-nothing. I’d rather have been given a black eye.”—Celine, 20.
Social isolation. “My schoolmates started to avoid me. They would make it seem that there was no room at the lunch table, so I couldn’t sit with them. For the whole year, I cried and ate alone.”—Haley, 18.Name calling: evil apostates, weak, vicious liars, slanderors, Satan's seed...etc.etc.etc.
Social isolation: marked or shunned much anyone?
Today's Text - Draw Close To God... (BUT HOW???)
by Divergent inhere's where i stand at the moment: i neither categorize myself as a theist, atheist, or agnostic.
i'm a freethinker and do not have a specific belief at the moment, unless something comes along which is 100% conclusive & convincing.
which brings us to tackling the elephant in the room, something that today's text has failed to do:.
Anders Andersen
And I walk away frustrated as if I'm talking to air.
Well....that's because you are talking to air.
The Biblical God doesn't make sense on so many levels, it's quite ridiculous to think it exists. And since that flavor is the most spread flavor of God, I tend to assume that if there were a God, this would be it. So my conclusion is: none exist.
BTW isn't it strange that before some Roman emperor made Christianity the state religion, most people on earth worshipped all kinds of true God's, and never heard about Jehovah? Only a small country of shepherds worshipped that one. Doesn't make much of an impression.
Especially because those shepherds at times also worshipped other Gods they thought were equally real as Jehovah. Can you imagine seeing all the supposed miracles by Jehovah, and then go worship a wooden idol? Of course not! So either the miracles never happened, or it wasn't clear Jehovah performed them, or the miracles attributed to the other God's were just as convincing.
For me it was an eye-opening moment to realize that to the Israelites, 'false' gods were just as real as Jehovah.
And they are just as real, as none of them actually exists as a living being....